Here it is again folks! The weekly Picture Post.

Here are some pictures from a few of the wonderful concerts of the 2013 Festival. Above is the Dahlia flute duo. They were the featured guest artists this year. The piece they are playing in this picture was the Score Call winning piece Consulting the Oracle by Anna Rubin. The piece featured the two floutists playing and dancing while being encircled by candles.
The picture on the left is from Hartt Saxophone Studio concert. The concert featured all music by this year’s guest composer Hilary Tann. The piece being played here is Of the Earth for Saxophone, Flute, and Percussion. The picture on the right is from the Concert Pro Femina. The program featured works by important historic female composers. Below Monika Krajewski is singing a song by Pauline Viardot.
Check back for more pictures next week!