Wednesday Picture of the Week!

          Hello again! Hopefully everyone is safe and recovering from Sandy. We have another picture post from the 2011 Holiday Fundraiser concert that may help to get your spirits up. In this picture, Festival Director Daniel Morel is chatting with some of the fantastic ladies who were involved with the concert. From left to right they are: Mattie Banzhaf, Sheri Brown, Patrice Fitzgerald, and Grace White. The fundraiser gala included food, drinks, and performances.

         This winter we will be running our fundraiser on the Fractured-Atlas website. This will allow us to create a home page about the organization and the upcoming festival. There will also be descriptions of the various donation levels and the fun prizes we will be giving as thanks for any donations. The fundraiser will be running for a couple of weeks. So be sure to check it out when it launches and then spread the word!

2013 Festival Score Calls Extended

The remaining score calls for our upcoming 2013 festival have been extended to December 15 to accommodate all those still recovering from Hurricane Sandy. Our thoughts go out to everyone dealing with the storm’s aftermath. Best of luck to everyone in their recovery. We look forward to seeing everyone’s scores and papers! More details can be found here.

Picture Wednesday – November 1, 2012

Happy Post-Halloween and Picture Wednesday! For this week’s post, we have a beautiful picture from the 2011 Holiday Fundraiser. It was an evening of music, food, and drink to raise money for the 2012 festival.

This winter, we will be using Fractured Atlas again for our online fund drive. Fractured Atlas is a website which will host the drive and allow people to view the campaign and donate money. There will be information and a video about the festival. Also on the site there will be information about the various fun thank-you-gifts for each of the donating levels.

So keep your antenna up as our Fractured Atlas campaign will be up and running soon!

Picture of the week!


For this week’s post, we have a picture of the wonderful Gilda Lyons to share with you. This is from the 2011 Festival Concert Pro Femina where Gilda sang soprano for her own three-movement work entitled A Small Handful, written in 2002.

Ms. Lyons was the featured Composer Guest for the 2011 festival. She had pieces performed on four of the exciting concerts from that festival including the Chamber Orchestra Concert and the Electro-Accounstic Evening, showing her diversity and range as a contemporary composer.

Be sure to come and see the 2013 Festival Concerts where you can check out this years Festival Guest as well as hear works by many other interesting, dynamic women!

Picture Wednesday October 10th

Here we are again…Wednesday’s picture of the week! Below is the Coro Pro Femina with Richard Leslie performing at the Concert Pro Femina in the 2011 Festival. They peformed a Gloria from the thirteenth century, arranged by Ruth Still.

Here, Richard is playing the trumpet, but he is also an active singer. As a baritone, he is a member of numerous choirs in which he has had the opportunity to sing principal roles such as Frank in Die Fledermaus. He also performs regularly with his wife, composer/singer and Festival coordinator Patrice Fitzgerald.