Festival Update:Local Composers Concert

Hello on a snowy day in Connecticut!

Our 2013 March Festival is coming up soon. One of the many exciting concerts on the program is the Local Composers Concert. This will feature works by women, both students and professionals, in the surrounding Tri-State area. It is a diverse concert featuring unique ensembles. The selections include works by Andrea Daily, Molly Joyce, Nina Young, Shuying Li, Elizabeth Lim, and Melody Loveless. Some of the titles are Rain in my Head, Sun Propeller, Nebula, and Prejudice and Pride, just to name a few.

The concert will be on Wednesday, March 6th, at 7:30pm at the Charter Oak Cultural Center in downtown Hartford.

Here is a link to more information about the concert on our website. http://womencomposersfestivalhartford.com/?page_id=352


Composition Competition Results

Hello All!

We are happy to announce that the winner for the composition competition has been selected. We received a wonderfully overwhelming amount of submissions. Unfortunately, with the sheer volume of submissions to go through and the weather barriers such as the hurricane, we were a bit slow in the decision making process. However, we are happy to finally announce the winner and three finalists.

The winner, Anna Rubin, won with the piece Consulting the Oracle for Flute and Alto Flute. The three finalists were Cynthia Folio, Dafina Zeqiri, Tamar Muskal.  Make sure to mark your calendars for the March Festival where you can hear this piece performed!

We are extremely pleased at the turnout of submissions. If you submitted this year, or thought about submitting, please check back next fall and submit your wonderful work.

Weekly Wednesday Picture Post

Hello All!

Once again we have a wonderful picture from the 2011 Holiday Fundraiser Concert. It was a fun event where people could talk and socialize over food and drink and listen to great music.

This year we will once again be using Fractured Atlas to host our fund drive. There will be many fun thank you gifts for each of the giving levels. With many options, and lots of fun rewards, this is a great idea for a music lover in your family. Some of the gifts include mugs, tote bags, programs and posters signed by the musicians and composers, and even tickets to some of the 2013 Festival events. If you are unsure of what to get your arts loving friend for the holidays, you can make a donation in their name and give them the thank you gift!

Be sure to spread the word about the campaign. Every dollar counts and you never know who may be interested in helping our organization. We will update you as soon as the fund drive is up and running, so keep an ear open!

Post-Wednesday Holiday Picture Post

Hello and Happy Holidays! 

         I hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and and friends and a couple of days off of work. In this week’s post, we have a picture from the 2011 Holiday Fundraiser  concert. The evening included wonderful music, food, drink, and friends. This year for our fundraising drive we will be utilizing Fractured Atlas and their hosting services. We have done this before and hope that this year will be more successful than ever. For that, we need your help.

On the Fractured Atlas website, there will be a page featuring our fund drive. (We will post links as the time comes.) On this page will be a video and information about the organization. Please share this with friends! Many of you are already aware of what the Women Composers Festival of Hartford is and does, but your friends and family may not. The video will be short and sweet, so share it. You never know who may become interested in our cause. There will be thank you gifts for the various donation levels ranging from $1 to $500. Every penny counts so please spread the word and help to support this years festival and musicians.

Weekly Wednesday Picture Post!

Hello again! It is another Wednesday which means another picture post! Today we continue in the series of pictures from the past Holiday Fundraiser concerts. This picture features the wonderful, elegant deserts that were a part of the festivities of the night.

Be sure to check out Fractured Atlas and this year’s Festival Fund Drive once we get it up and running. We will be featuring new thank you gifts for the various donation levels, so make sure to take a look at them and see if there is anything you or a loved one would like. You can also share the link to the page with all of your friends and family. You never know who might be interested and decide to give a little. Every little bit helps so keep you ear close as we announce the start of the drive, and make sure to spread the word!