The Nouveau Classical Project Concert

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Purchasing a Festival pass grants access to all concerts, workshops, and presentations held throughout the weekend. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for continued updates.

Concert Details
Date: Saturday, March 30, 2019 | 7:00pm
Location: Asylum Hill Congregational Church

This concert will feature the 2019 Ensemble-in-Residence, The Nouveau Classical Project, performing a newly commissioned work by 2019 Composer-in-Residence, Jennifer Jolley. The program also includes the winning pieces selected from our international score call.

The concert will be followed by an Artists’ Reception, where donors are welcome to meet the artists.

Concert Program
Pre-Concert talk: Jennifer Jolley, Composer-in-Residence

a brief comment on the current state of insanity (Feb. 2017), Amelia S. Kaplan, 2019 International Score Call Winner

Duo In Memory of the Littlest Refugees who Never Reach a Place
of Safety
, Susan Kander, 2019 International Score Call Winner

You Are Not Alone, world premiere, Jennifer Jolley

F I X E D HbeaRt, Niloufar Nourbakhsh, 2019 International Score Call Winner

Zero Initiative, Olga Bell

Where is my Voice, Gabrielle Herbst